Jail sentence for Bradley Road cannabis grower

Patchway in the press

A Patchway man has been jailed for 18 months after he pleaded guilty to growing cannabis for “self-medication”, reports the Bristol Evening Post.

Luke Bickford had been arrested in September 2011 following a police raid that discovered 48 cannabis plants growing in a back room at his Bradley Road home.

The raid followed a tip-off and a check by the police helicopter, which detected a “warm roof” at the property.

The plants found were said have a potential yield of 3.9kg, valued at £39,000.

Bristol Crown Court was also told that the electricity meter at the property had been bypassed.

The judge ordered the drugs and growing equipment be destroyed.

Read more: Rugby player jailed for growing drugs (Evening Post)

One comment

  1. £39K’s worth of Cannabis is an awful lot to grow for medicinal purposes. I wonder if he was planning to sell a little of the “surplus”?!?

    I’m glad that Patchway is a little bit cleaner by having this source of Cannabis taken off the streets…

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