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Faith and Religion

⚠️ This information page is no longer maintained. Consequently, it may contain information that is no longer correct.

Holy Family Catholic Church, Patchway, Bristol

Welcome to The Journal’s guide to faith and religion in Patchway, North Bristol. This section includes listings of churches and other religious establishments in and around Patchway together with details of faith/spiritual groups that are active in the town.

Please contact us if you have information about organisations you would like to see listed here.

Useful links:

Churches in Patchway

Amberley Road Baptist Church
4a Amberley Road
Stoke Lodge
BS34 6BU
Tel: 01454 626929
Website: Amberley Road Baptist Church, Stoke Lodge

Edge Church
1160 Park Avenue
Aztec West Business Park
BS32 4TL
Tel: 0117 931 1197
Website: Edge Church International

Holy Family Roman Catholic Church
Southsea Road
BS34 5DP
Tel: 0117 908 1247
Website: Holy Family RC Church, Patchway

St Chad’s Church (Anglican/Methodist)
172 Rodway Road.
BS34 5ED
Tel: 0117 979 3978
Website: St Chad’s Church, Patchway

Other churches serving Patchway

Bradley Stoke Evangelical Church
Baileys Court Road
Bradley Stoke
BS32 8BH
Telephone: 0117 9314716
Website: Bradley Stoke Evangelical Church

Church groups meeting in Patchway

Apostolic Faith Church
Meets at St Chad’s Church, Rodway Road (see above) on Sundays at 10:15am.
Website: Apostolic Faith Church

Bible teaching fellowship and networking across the world
Meets in Hazeldene Road
Tel: 0117 904 2607 (James)

Other nearby places of worship

Bristol Mosque

Bristol Sikh Temple

Bristol Hindu Temple

Jehovah’s Witnesses, Bristol Assembly Hall, Almondsbury
Tel: 01454 202414

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