The Patchway Journal website was retired at the end of 2024. It is being retained for the time being as a historical record. Looking for something specific? – Try using the Search function.
Ria Matthews, fashion blogger for Talbot Green Shopping Park.

Patchway fashion student chosen to write blog for Welsh shopping centre

Former Patchway Community College student Ria Matthews, 19, has been given the opportunity to make a break into fashion journalism after being chosen as a Welsh shopping centre’s ‘student stylista blogger’. University of South Wales BA Fashion Promotion student Ria will use expert knowledge gained through her course and natural fashion flair to advise readers on the latest trends via regular

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Accessible play area for children with disabilities at Scott Park, Patchway.

Scott Park’s accessible play area officially opened

A new accessible play area for children with disabilities was officially opened at Scott Park on Saturday (21st September). The ceremony was performed by Cllr Ian Boulton, Chair of South Gloucestershire Council,  joined by local children who will use the park and their parents or carers. Cllr Boulton also unveiled a plaque designating Scott Park as a Queen Elizabeth II Field in Trust.

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Patchway Dementia Action Alliance.

Launch of Patchway Dementia Action Alliance

Local businesses and organisations will publicly pledge their support to make Patchway a dementia friendly community at Coniston Community Centre on Friday (20th September). The event, which runs from 10am to 1.30pm, will mark the launch of the Patchway Dementia Action Alliance. The occasion will see over 60 key people representing businesses, statutory services, and community and voluntary organisations, as

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Triathlete Akhil Viz competing in Vichy, France.

Success for Patchway triathlete at European Championships

A locally-based athlete is currently enjoying a well-earned rest after representing Great Britain in the European Long Distance Triathlon Championships in Vichy, France at the beginning of September. Akhil Viz, 24, is originally from Gibraltar but has been based in Bristol since October 2011. He lives in Patchway and works as an Aerospace Engineer at Atkins Global on the Aztec West

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Public meeting called to discuss the closure of Highwood Road, Patchway.

Permanent closure of Highwood Road recommended by council officers

A report produced by officers of South Gloucestershire Council (SGC) ahead of a crucial committee meeting next week has recommended that the “experimental” closure of Highwood Road to general traffic be made permanent without further consultation. The recommendation is made despite the latest public consultation on the closure showing that 89% of 221 respondents were against the scheme. The news

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Patchway Community College students celebrate their GCSE results.

More record GCSE results for Patchway Community College

Students at Patchway Community College celebrated with excitement and jubilation on receiving their GCSE results on Thursday morning (22nd August). The school gained record high results in a wide range of subjects, including Maths, History, RE, Sport and Performing Arts, with the percentage of students gaining five A*-C grades increasing to 78%. Headteacher Jane Millicent said: “Students of all abilities

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"Road ahead closed" sign on Highwood Road, Patchway.

Public meeting called as final decision on Highwood Road closure looms

A public meeting has been called to discuss local residents’ concerns about the “experimental” closure of Highwood Road after it emerged that South Gloucestershire Council (SGC) is to make a final decision on the closure at a committee meeting in September. The local meeting takes place at Coniston Community Centre, near The Parade in Coniston Road, on Thursday 22nd August

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Patchway Community Centre, Rodway Road, Patchway, Bristol.

Councillors asked to approve £1.5m upgrade for community centre

Councillors representing Patchway are urging their colleagues to approve a proposal that would see £1.5m come from housing developers to upgrade the town’s community centre. Under the terms of a planning approval dating back several years, the developers of 81.25 hectares of land at Charlton Hayes, Patchway (Bovis Homes) are required to support local community infrastructure. Patchway Town Council has

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