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Unattended cooking leads to Cavendish Road fire

Fire engine of the Avon Fire & Rescue Service.

A kitchen at a house in Cavendish Road, Patchway has been left badly damaged after a fire started when cooking was left unattended on a hob.

When firefighters arrived on the scene shortly after 9am this morning (18th October),  they found no one at home, so had to force entry. Two firefighters wearing breathing apparatus tackled the fire using one high pressure hose reel. A positive pressure ventilation fan was used to clear the smoke.

Fortunately no one was inside at the time and no one was hurt. The kitchen was damaged by heat and smoke from the fire.

It’s thought the occupant had left a pan on the hob and gone out.

One fire engine from Southmead and a second from Avonmouth attended the incident.

Avon Fire & Rescue Service would like to remind people to take care when cooking and never leave it unattended as it can lead to fire breaking out.


  1. “One fire engine from Southmead and a second from Avonmouth attended the incident”


    Isn’t there a fully operational fire station 400 yards from Cavendish Road?

  2. “One fire engine from Southmead and a second from Avonmouth attended the incident” Eh? Isn’t there a fully operational fire station 400 yards from Cavendish Road?

    They probably couldn’t through due to the selfish parking that prevails on most of the minor roads in Patchway. Mind you, iy does slow the ‘ratrunners’ down….

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