The Patchway Journal website was retired at the end of 2024. It is being retained for the time being as a historical record. Looking for something specific? – Try using the Search function.
New bus-only lane under construction on Highwood Road, Patchway.

Highwood Road decison referred to Full Council

The petition to keep Patchway’s Highwood Road open to general traffic suffered a setback at last month’s meeting of South Gloucestershire Council’s (SGC’s) Planning, Transportation and Strategic Environment (PTSE) Committee, which decided to endorse an officer recommendation to close the road, albeit for a trial period of 18 months. However, there remains hope amongst the petition’s proponents that it may

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New bus-only lane on Highwood Road, Patchway, Bristol.

Highwood Road petition falls on deaf ears at South Glos Council

Planning officials at South Gloucestershire Council (SGC) have recommended that a 4,137 signature petition to keep Highwood Road open to general traffic be ignored for at least five years. In a 12-page report prepared for next week’s meeting of SGC’s Planning,Transport & Strategic Environment (PTSE) Committee, officers repeat their reasoning for closing the road and present three options for responding

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Sign for a proposed Brunel Ford dealership on Hayes Way, Patchway.

Ford dealership aiming to move to Hayes Way site

Brunel Ford, the main Ford dealership in Bristol, is looking to relocate its Muller Road (Horfield) car showroom and maintenance facility to a site on Hayes Way, within the Charlton Hayes development in Patchway. The firm has submitted a planning application to South Gloucestershire Council for the “erection of a motor dealership to provide vehicle sales, servicing, repair and MOT

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Demonstration against the impending closure of Highwood Road.

Town Councillor launches petition to keep Highwood Road open

A Patchway Town Councillor has launched a petition to keep Highwood Road open to general traffic, in opposition to South Gloucestershire Council’s (SGC’s) plan to restrict the central section of the road to buses and cycles. Cllr Chris Mills, Chair of the Town Council’s Planning and Transport Committee, wants non-commercial traffic, i.e. cars and motorcycles, to be allowed to join

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Bus corridor under construction on Highwood Road, Patchway

Council launches raft of consultations on Highwood Road traffic orders

South Gloucestershire Council (SGC) has today launched no fewer than six public consultations on statutory traffic orders connected with the proposed closure of Highwood Road to general traffic. The latest consultations follow an earlier one in October last year, the feedback from which the Council is yet to acknowledge – judged by the status shown on the consultation webpage, namely:

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