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Bright Sparks Pre-School rated “good” by Ofsted


A pre-school in Patchway has been rated “good” by an Ofsted inspector, who visited the ‘early years’ care provider earlier this month.

Bright Sparks Pre-School, run by a non-profit limited company and based in new purpose-built premises on the site of Stoke Lodge Primary School, has a capacity for 71 children under eight years old. There are currently 220 children on roll, of whom 160 are in the ‘early years’ age range.

The inspector says the pre-school is “highly effective” in meeting children’s needs through collaboration with parents and key agencies, adding:

“There is good support for each child who is recognised as an individual and they make good progress in their learning through consistent interaction by knowledgeable staff. Children’s welfare is promoted well especially with regards to exceptional safeguarding procedures.”

The inspector’s report goes on to suggest how the provision could be improved by further developing assessment arrangements in order to be more consistent in identifying learning priorities.

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